Our Recommended Reading for Pilgrims

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Our Recommended Reading for PilgrimsOur Recommended Reading for Pilgrims

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Here's is a list of books we love at the British Pilgrimage Trust, and a few suggested to us by friends and colleagues too.

Do please email us, or, better still, tell us on our social channels so others can see too — Facebook, Instagram, X/Twitter, Bluesky — if you have other ideas!

A Philosophy of Walking (Amazon), Frédéric Gros

A Pilgrimage of the Heart: Walter Hilton and the English Mystical Tradition (Amazon), The Rev. Dr. Kevin Goodrich OP

Between the Chalk and the Sea (Amazon) (Hive), Gail Simmons

Bird Summons (Amazon), Leila Aboulela

Britain's Pilgrim Places (Amazon) (Hive), Nick Mayhew-Smith, Guy Hayward

Come Wind, Come Weather (Amazon) (Hive), Janet Lees

Discovering The Folklore of Plants (Amazon), Margaret Baker

Dominion (Amazon), Tom HollandDruid Mysteries (Amazon), Philip Carr-Gomm

I Belong Here (Amazon), Anita Sethi

Landscape Liturgies (Amazon), Nick Mayhew-Smith

On This Holy Island: a modern pilgrimage across Britain (use code PILGRIMAGE for a 20% discount through Bloomsbury) (Amazon) (Hive) (Bloomsbury), Oliver Smith

Pagan Britain (Amazon), Ronald Hutton

Pilgrim Guide to Scotland (Amazon), Donald Smith

Pilgrimage for Peace (Amazon), Satish Kumar

Pilgrimage: Past and Present in World Religions (Amazon), Stephen Coleman and John Elsner

Power of Centre (Amazon), Biltcliffe & Hoare

Science and Spiritual Practices (Amazon), Rupert Sheldrake

Sun and the Serpent (Amazon), Paul Broadhurst & Hamish Miller

The Crossway (Amazon) (Hive), Guy Stagg

The English Year (Amazon), Steve Roud

The Fight for Beauty (Amazon), Fiona Reynolds

The Gentle Art of Tramping (Amazon), Stephen Graham

The Green Man and the Dragon: The Mystery behind the Myth of St George and the Dragon Power of Nature (Amazon), Paul Broadhurst

The Green Road Into the Trees (Amazon) (Hive), Hugh Thomson

The Hedgerow Handbook (Amazon), Adele Nozedar and Tom Cox

The Holy Axis: A Modern Grail Pilgrimage across the Neck of Britain exploring Sacred Sites and the Earth's Hidden Energies (Pilgrimage), Gary Biltcliffe & Caroline Hoare

The Little Book of Celtic Blessings (Amazon), Iain Tweedale

The Natural Navigator (Amazon) (Hive), Tristan Gooley

The Old Ways (Amazon) (Hive), Robert Macfarlane

The Quiet Moon; Pathways to an Ancient Way of Being (Amazon) (Hive), Kevin Parr

The Sacred Journey (Amazon), Charles Foster

The Salt Path (now a movie) (Amazon) (Hive), Raynor Winn

The Spine of Albion (Amazon), Biltcliffe & Hoare

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry (Amazon) (Hive), Rachel Joyce

The Walker's Guide to Outdoor Clues and Signs (Amazon), Tristan Gooley

Timefulness: How Thinking Like a Geologist Can Help Save the World (Amazon) (Hive), Marcia Bjornerud

Tiny Churches (Amazon) (Hive), Dixe Wills

Walking the Bones of Britain (Amazon) (Hive), Christopher Somerville

Wayfarer (Amazon) (Hive), Phoebe Smith

Weathering: How the earth's deep wisdom can help us endure life's storms (Amazon) (Hive), Ruth Allen



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