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We are dedicated to facilitating the most inclusive community of pilgrims in Britain.

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We are dedicated to facilitating the most inclusive community of pilgrims in Britain.

Help support the movement and join our Giving Community.

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If you are interested in becoming a Life Pilgrim with exclusive offers, including a free yearly guided pilgrimage, please contact us for more details.

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Thank you for already supporting the movement and joining our Giving Community as a Life Pilgrim.


the Pilgrim movement

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the Pilgrim movement

£30 per year

Life Pilgrim

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Benefits for all

Pilgrims will receive many benefits….

Pilgrim benefits:

Comment, rate and save routes & places
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Receive emails for Pilgrims
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Access to discounts for Giving Pilgrims

As we partner with various pilgrim-friendly organisations, we will give you the benefits so you can feel more able to take those first steps.

Be a Giving Pilgrim
Your Impact

Your support helps make our unique pilgrimage resources available to all, for free.


Redefine pilgrimage to appeal to everyone, encourage pilgrims to bring their own beliefs, and share the holistic benefits of pilgrimage.

Promote new routes, such as one-day pilgrimages and our 250-mile Old Way.


Share the most extensive free directory of routes and places across Britain.

Offer free digital maps and GPS resources.

Provide guidance to others to create new routes or champion existing ones.


Offer practical resources, e.g. our Pilgrim Places book, to make pilgrimage happen.

Establish the Sanctuary network for affordable overnight stays that sustain local communities.


Enable grassroots activity, by teaching locals to guide groups and organise events.

Partner to make pilgrimage accessible to all, particularly those who are under-served or new to the countryside.

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